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What is an I.C. write its type advantages and uses?

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Integrated circuits
Integrated circuit is an assembly of large number of transistors, capacitors, resistors and diodes joined togetehr on a single piece of silicon which may be very small in size.
Integrated circuits are of two types
(i) Monolithic integrated circuits
These integrated circuits consists of a silicon wafer called a chip on whcih large number of components. (i.e. transistor, resistors, capacitors) are accommodated.
(ii) Hybrid integrated circuits
These integrated circuits consist of a large number ofmonolithic integrated circuits. In these circuits, the components i.e. transistors, capacitors, resistors etc. are mounted on a ceramic substrate and they are interconnected by wires.
Advantages of integrated circuits
(i) They have low cost.
(ii) They are highly reliable due to lesser number of connections.
(iii) These circuits are smaller in size and hence the device formed by integrated circuits is very compact.
(iv) They require low power to operate.
The integrated circuits are widely used in making the television, radios, computers, video recorders, amplifiers etc.
