Drug addiction is a social (1401). It has been prevalent in society from time (1402). There are a variety of drugs which are used in various forms. A drug addict becomes a drug (1403). He cannot live without drugs. It is a form of (1404) conditioning that implies a set of mental and behavioural responses to drugs and related stimuli that result from repeated reinforcement produced by the use of drugs. It implies physical, psycho logical and psychic dependence on the tolerance of a drug with a tendency to take more and more drugs. The World Health Organisation has de fined drug abuse as a state of periodic, chronic intoxication, (1405) to the individual and to the society, produced by (1406) consumption of drugs either natural or synthetic. In other words, the growing urge results in increase of doses. There are a number of causes which (1407) to drug addiction. These include social, economic, religious, and physiological factors. There is a strong (1408) between drug and torn family life. It has been found that broken family structure often forces one to (1409) to drug. This is because a person faced with such situation chooses drug for its euphoric or mind-altering (1410) to escape from the immediate situation.
The correct Answer is:C
Here, dependent is the right usage.
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