Ants and grasshoppers were neighbours. They were totally different from each other. The ant and his family members were hard workers and disciplined. They worked hard throughout the day. They collected rice, sugar, flour etc. every day. After eating as per their requirements they stored the rest for bad weather. They did not waste their time in idle gossiping and roaming aimlessly. On the other hand the grasshopper and his family members wasted their time in idle gossiping, attending the clubs, dancing and singing. They did not do hard work. They did not store food for the bad weather. They were always laughing at the industrious ants. Last year it was a severe cold during winters. Ants and grasshoppers could not go out in search of food. Grasshoppers were not having stored eatables. Mr. Grasshopper said to Mr. Ant "Could you give us something to eat. My family members are starving". Mr. Ant said "I could have given you but my family members have worked day and night for storing the food for bad weather. What were you and your family members doing in the fine weather?" Mr. Grass-hopper replied, "We kept on dancing and singing during fine weather. Mr. Ant said, "Now go and spend winters too in dancing and singing." Remembers that hard work cannot be done easily, but the result of the hard work is always good."
The word collect means
to eat
to gather
to dance
to sing
The correct Answer is:B
Step by step video, text & image solution for Ants and grasshoppers were neighbours. They were totally different from each other. The ant and his family members were hard workers and disciplined. They worked hard throughout the day. They collected rice, sugar, flour etc. every day. After eating as per their requirements they stored the rest for bad weather. They did not waste their time in idle gossiping and roaming aimlessly. On the other hand the grasshopper and his family members wasted their time in idle gossiping, attending the clubs, dancing and singing. They did not do hard work. They did not store food for the bad weather. They were always laughing at the industrious ants. Last year it was a severe cold during winters. Ants and grasshoppers could not go out in search of food. Grasshoppers were not having stored eatables. Mr. Grasshopper said to Mr. Ant "Could you give us something to eat. My family members are starving". Mr. Ant said "I could have given you but my family members have worked day and night for storing the food for bad weather. What were you and your family members doing in the fine weather?" Mr. Grass-hopper replied, "We kept on dancing and singing during fine weather. Mr. Ant said, "Now go and spend winters too in dancing and singing." Remembers that hard work cannot be done easily, but the result of the hard work is always good." The word collect means by English experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 6 exams.
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