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Which one of the numbers is divisible by 25 ?









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The correct Answer is:C

To determine which of the given numbers is divisible by 25, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the Rule for Divisibility by 25
A number is divisible by 25 if its last two digits form a number that is divisible by 25. The numbers that are divisible by 25 are 00, 25, 50, and 75.

Step 2: Identify the Last Two Digits
Look at the last two digits of each number provided in the options.

Step 3: Check Each Number
For each number, check if the last two digits are one of the following: 00, 25, 50, or 75.

1. Example Number 1: 150
- Last two digits: 50 (Divisible by 25)

2. Example Number 2: 123
- Last two digits: 23 (Not divisible by 25)

3. Example Number 3: 275
- Last two digits: 75 (Divisible by 25)

4. Example Number 4: 400
- Last two digits: 00 (Divisible by 25)

Step 4: Conclusion
From the examples above, the numbers that are divisible by 25 are 150, 275, and 400.

Final Answer
The numbers that are divisible by 25 are 150, 275, and 400.

