What is living world ? Describe characters of living world.

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Living organisms : These are the orgamsms which exhibit ability to sense environmem and a suitable response to change of stimulus, can grow, regenerate, reproduce etc. Characteristics of iiving world :
1. Growth : All living organism grow in mass. They take food, digest and assimilate. Plants manufacture their food and assimilate. Living organisms also grow by multiplication of cells. In plants, the growth by cell division occurs through out life. However, in animals growth by cell division is limited to some age. Living organisms grow from inside. The non-living organisms can also grow but from outside. Growth is irreversible increase in size.
2. Metabolism : The sum total of all biocher,ical changes occurring inside living organisms is called metabolism.
Metabolism, which is destructive, is called catabolism eg. respiration.
The constructive metabolism is called anabolism eg. photosynthesis, biosynthetic processes etc.
3. Organization : Living organisms are well organized. They may have protoplasmic cellular level, tissue level or organ level of organization.
4. Irritability: All living organisms can respond to stimuli. Animals sense their environment through sense organs. Plants also respond to light, temperature, gravity, pollutants etc.
5. Reprociuction : It is the process to produce young ones like itself by an organism to continue its race. All living orgamsms reproduce asexually or sexually or both.
6. Consciousness : The organisms are aware of their surroundings. Human being is aware of himself ie. self consciousness
7. Homeostasis: All living organisms maintain their internal environment constant. This process is known as homeostasis.
8. Adaptations : These are the modifications which occur in organisms according to the change of environment. There may be shornenn or long term adaptations. Short term adaptations are hibernation, defoliation in autumn season etc.
Long term adaptations are passed from one generation to next eg. opposing thumb to fingers in man, shape of beak in different birds.
9. Movements : All living organisms have the ability oflocomotion. Fixed animals can move their body parts.
10. Healing or repair : Living organisms can heal their injuries or wounds or fractures and can regenerate skin around wounded area.
11. Excretion : Living organisms excrete their metabolic waste products. Plants may either store products in barks or can pass them out in the form of gnms and resins.
12. Genetic continui(y: Living organisms have DNA as genetic materfal, bnt few viruses have RNA eg. TMV, Polio virus etc.
13. Evolution : New species arise by, accumulation of variations. Evolution is still going on.
14. Cellular structure : Tirn living organism may be made up of single cell or numerous cells.
15. Protoplasm : It is living matter and is physical basis of life (Huxley).
16. Life span : All living organisms have definite life span.
17. Death : Death is end of living organisms except acellular organisms like amoeba.

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