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Describe the cell structure of Chlamydomonas.

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Occurrence. It is widely distributed fresh water unicellular alga commonly occuring in standing or stagnant rain water , ponds , pools, ditches and on moist soils. It grows in abundance in water rich in ammonium compounds.
Chlamydomonas cell. The cell is bounded by the cytoplasmic membrane. Outside this is the cell wall which is thickened and stratified in the anterior portion. The inner wall is thin, smooth and striated with parallel cellulose fibrils. Each flagellum shows 9+2 pattern. The chloroplast is surrounded by double unit membrane containing lamellae in pairs forming a disc. The number of discs occur in stacks varying from 2-20. It also shows the presence of starch grains pyrenoids with granular core of starch plates and stigma which is sensitive to light.
Other structures include the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulm and dictyosomes (golgi bodies).
