Describe different types of angiosperms depending upon their habitat.
Text Solution
There are following three types of angiosperms depending upon their habitat:
1. Hydrophytes. Plants which are found in aquatic habitat are called hydrophytes. Water is present in excess. But there may be deficiency of light and oxygen. Hydrophytes are adapted to remain buoyant and avoid decaying, shearing and tearing effect of water. There are three categories of hydrophytes such as:
(a) Submerged hydrophytes eg Hydrilla, Ceratophyllum etc.
(b) Free floating hydrophytes eg Eichhornia, Pistia etc. These have root pockets.
(c) Floating leaved but anchored hydrophytes eg lotus, waterlily, Nymphaea, Victoria etc. These have stomata on upper surface of leaves.
The hydrophytes exhibit characters like presence of mucilage, soft and slender stem, ribbon like leaves with few veins presence of heterophylly etc. They lack cuticle, hairs and functional stomata characters. They have arenchyma tissue. Root system is either absent or poorly developed. Xylem is atrophied. Mechanical tissue is poorly developed. Chloroplasts are more in number. Pollination is hydrophily. Dispersal of fruit is by hydrochory.
2. Mesophytes. These are the plants which grow under moderate water conditions. The soil has enough water and the temperautre is favourable.
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