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Make a list of macronutrients and mention their major functions.

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Macronutrients. There are following macro nutrients : carbon, hydrogen, oxygen nitrogen phosphorus, sulphur, potassium, calcium and magnesium.
Functions of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen :
These are the components of protoplasma and all organic componds found in plants.
Functions of nitrogen.
1. Component. Approximate amount of nitrogen present in the whole plant is 13%. It is present in almost all the living matter, chiefly macromolecules like proteins, nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) and thus it is an important element in various metaboilc processes.
2. It is also found in aminoacids, purines, pyrimidines, porphyrins and coenzymes.
3. It plays an important role in protein synthesis phtosynthesis, respiration, growth and in almost all metabolic reactions.
Functions of phosphorous.
1. A large amount of phosphorus accumulates in storage tissues of fruits and seeds and during active growth in meristematic tissues.
2. It is a component of the nucleic acids and proteins (which together form nucleoproteins).
3. Phytin phospholipid, sugar phosphates, ATP, NADP+ and a number of phosphorylate compounds.
4. Phosphate plays a key role in energy metabolism. Incorporated into ATP it is part and parcel of the universal energy currency of all types of living systems.
5. Phosphorus is actively involved in the synthesis of protein, photosynthesis, respiration and other metabolic processes. It also acts as an activator of some enzymes.
functions of sulphur.
1. Sulphur is absorbed by plants as sulphate ions and then reduced to sulphydryl group (-SH) in the formation of various amino acids viz, cystine, cysteine and methionine.
2. It enters into protein structure.
3. Sulphur is essential for the synthesis of some vitamins like biotin, thiamine and coenzyme A, which are involved in various metabolic activities.
1. it plays a role in the synthesis of chlorophyll,
2. it is a constituents of ferredoxin and some lipids found in the chloroplast,
3. it is essential for nodulation in legumes,
4. it determines the structure of protein,
5. it plays a role as a part or active centre of some enzymes and affects various metabolic processes.
Function of potassium :
Potassium is rich in actively dividing cells of buds, young leaves and roots tips. It is present in fairly less amount in seeds and other mature tissues. It has the following physiological roles :
(i) It is needed for proper growth and development.
(ii) A high amount of potassium is required in the process of protein synthesis.
(iii) It is essential as activator of several enzymes It is needed in the enzyme system in the change of sugar to starch, aminoacids to protein, citric acid synthesis, DNA polymerase interacts with iron enzyymes.
(iv) It is required in maintaining cellular organization, permeability and hydration.
(v) It regulates the movement of tomata.
(vi) It is needed in photosynthesis, respiration translocation, reduction of nitrate and chlorophyll formation.
Function of calcium :
Calcium plays following imporant roles in plants :
(i) It is chief constiuent of cell wall, present in the form of calcium pectate in middle lamella.
(ii) It controls cell permeability.
(iii) It is important in the formation of cell membranes.
(iv) It is essential for continued growth of the apical meristem. Calcium in small amounts in chromatin or mitotic spindle organization.
(v) It is a potent activator of the enzyme phospholipase, arginine kinase,. adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase), adenyl kinase and amylase.
(vi) It is responsible to reduce toxicity by forming calcicm salts of organic acid.
(vii) It helps in translocation of carbohydrates and amino acids.
(viii) It encourages root development.
(ix) In many plants it is also found as insoluble crystals of calcium oxalate.
Functions of magnesium :
1. Magnesium is present in tetraphyrrolic chlorophyll. Thus, it is found in all the green parts of plant and helps in photosynthesis.
2. It also acts as an activator of several enzymes viz, hexokinase, phosphorylase, carboxylase, dehydrogenase, peptidase etc. and hence it plays vital role in various metabolic processes including respiration.
3. Magnesium is an important binding agent in microsomal particles where protein synthesis takes place.
