Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Give the characteristics and role of the following:

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Sclereids:
- Sclereids are a type of sclerenchyma tissue, which is a supportive tissue in plants.

Hint: Remember that sclereids are a specific form of sclerenchyma, which is known for providing structural support.

2. Shape and Structure:
- Sclereids can be spherical, oval, or cylindrical in shape.
- They have thick cell walls that are composed of lignin, which makes them rigid and strong.
- The cells are dead at maturity, meaning they do not contain living protoplasts.

Hint: Focus on the unique shapes and the significance of lignin in the structure of sclereids.

3. Location in Plants:
- Sclereids are found in various parts of plants, including:
- The cavities of fruits, such as nuts and the pulp of fruits like guava and pear.
- Seeds of legumes.
- Leaves of tea plants.

Hint: Think about where you might encounter these structures in everyday fruits and plants.

4. Role of Sclereids:
- The primary role of sclereids is to provide mechanical support and protection to the plant tissues.
- They help in strengthening the plant structure, making it more resilient to physical stress and damage.

Hint: Consider how the strength provided by sclereids contributes to the overall health and survival of the plant.

Sclereids are specialized cells in plants that provide structural support. They are characterized by their thick, lignin-rich cell walls and can be found in various plant parts, particularly in fruits and seeds. Their main role is to strengthen and protect the plant.
