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Classify the data that you can collect from your day-to-day life as primary or secondary data.

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To classify the data collected from day-to-day life as primary or secondary data, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understanding Primary Data
- Definition: Primary data is the information collected firsthand by the researcher. It is original data that has not been previously published or processed.
- Example: If you conduct a survey among your friends about their favorite movies, the data you gather is primary data because you collected it directly from them.

Step 2: Identifying Examples of Primary Data
- Examples:
1. Conducting interviews with family members about their daily routines.
2. Observing the number of people who visit a local park during the weekend.
3. Collecting feedback from classmates on a new school lunch menu.

Step 3: Understanding Secondary Data
- Definition: Secondary data is information that has already been collected and processed by someone else. It is not original data but rather data that has been compiled from various sources.
- Example: If you refer to a government report on the population of your city, this data is secondary because it was collected and published by another agency.

Step 4: Identifying Examples of Secondary Data
- Examples:
1. Using statistics from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) about crime rates.
2. Referring to census data provided by the government.
3. Reading articles or reports from newspapers or magazines that summarize research findings.

Step 5: Classifying Your Own Data
- Now, think about the data you encounter in your daily life. Classify them into primary or secondary data based on the definitions and examples provided.
- Primary Data: Data you collect yourself (e.g., surveys, interviews).
- Secondary Data: Data collected by others (e.g., reports, articles).

- Primary data is firsthand information you gather yourself, while secondary data is information that has already been collected and is available from other sources.

