Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Write the following decimal numbers as number names.

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

The correct Answer is:Eight hundred seventy two point one four.

To write the decimal number 872.14 in number names, follow these steps:

Step 1: Break down the number
The number 872.14 consists of two parts: the whole number part (872) and the decimal part (14).

Step 2: Write the whole number part in words
The whole number part is 872. We can break this down further:
- 800 is written as "eight hundred"
- 70 is written as "seventy"
- 2 is written as "two"

Putting it all together, 872 is written as "eight hundred seventy-two".

Step 3: Write the decimal part in words
The decimal part is 14. This can be broken down as:
- 1 is written as "one"
- 4 is written as "four"

Putting it together, 14 is written as "fourteen".

Step 4: Combine both parts
Now, we combine the whole number part and the decimal part. We use the word "and" to connect them:
- The whole number part is "eight hundred seventy-two"
- The decimal part is "fourteen"

Thus, we write the entire number as:
"eight hundred seventy-two and fourteen hundredths".

Final Answer:
The number 872.14 in number names is "eight hundred seventy-two and fourteen hundredths".

