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How do we feel force in our daily life?

Video Solution
Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understanding Force: Force is an interaction that can change the motion of an object. It can cause an object to start moving, stop moving, or change direction.

2. Examples of Force in Daily Life:
- Braking a Bike: When you ride a bike and apply the brakes, you feel a force acting on the bike that stops it. This is an example of frictional force, which opposes the motion of the bike.

- Pulling a Cart with a Bull: When a bull pulls a cart, it exerts a force on the cart, causing it to move. This is an example of a pulling force, which can be observed in many situations where one object pulls another.

- Opening a Door: When a person pulls a door to open it, they are applying a force. This force allows the door to move from a closed position to an open position.

- Squeezing Wet Clothes: When you squeeze wet clothes to dry them, you apply a force to remove water. This is an example of applying pressure through force.

3. Conclusion: We encounter various forces in our daily life, whether it’s through stopping a bike, pulling objects, opening doors, or drying clothes. Each of these actions involves the application of force.

