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Describe how is the body of birds well adapted for flight?

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Streamlined Body: Birds have a streamlined body shape, which means their bodies are narrow at the front and wider in the middle. This design helps reduce air resistance and allows them to fly more efficiently.

2. Hollow Bones: Birds possess hollow bones, also known as pneumatic bones. These bones are lightweight, which significantly reduces the overall weight of the bird, making it easier for them to take flight.

3. Modified Limbs: The forelimbs of birds are modified into wings. This adaptation is crucial as it provides the necessary structure for flight, allowing birds to flap their wings and soar through the air.

4. Feathers: The entire body of birds is covered with feathers. Feathers serve multiple purposes: they provide insulation, protection, and help in flight by reducing weight and aiding in aerodynamics.

5. Lightweight Body: The combination of a streamlined shape, hollow bones, and feathers results in a lightweight body that is essential for flight. This adaptation allows birds to fly long distances with less energy expenditure.
