List the given objects as solids, liquids and gases. From the solids separate out the soft, hard solids and a solid which is sometimes soft and sometimes hard.Chalk, spirit, branch of a tree, glass bowl, coin, steel plate, talcum powder, butter, milk, air, honey, shampoo, cotton, wool, soap, dough for chapati, water, lime juice, smoke, steam, petrol, stone, oxygen.
Text Solution
Solids - Chalk, branch of a tree, glass bowl, coin, steel plate, talcum powder, butter, cotton, wool, soap, dough for chapati, stone.
Liquids - Spirit, milk, honey, shampoo, water, lime juice, petrol/.
Gases - Air, steam, smoke, oxygen. Hard solids - Chalk, branch of a tree, glass bowl, coin, steel plate, soap, stone.
Soft solids - Talcum powder, butter, cotton, wool, dough for chapati.
A solid which is sometimes soft, sometimes hard Butter.
Knowledge Check
All materials around us are solids, liquids or gases. These three states of matter can be further divided to make a classification key. Solids have a fixed shape and size. Solids keep their shape and do not usually flow. Liquids take the shape of the container and flow easily. Liquids can be inflammable or non flammable. Gases do not have a fixed volume or shape. They diffuse into the space available to them.
A pen, coin and steel plate are hard to touch Name a solid which is soft to touch.ACottonBStoneCSugarDIce