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Define the Cubit

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Doubtnut Promotions Sticky
Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Cubit: A cubit is a unit of measurement that is traditionally defined as the length from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger.

2. Measurement: To measure a cubit, one would extend their arm and measure the distance from the elbow joint to the tip of the middle finger.

3. Historical Context: The cubit has been used in various ancient civilizations as a standard unit of length for construction and other measurements.

4. Variations: There are different types of cubits based on the specific measurement system used (e.g., the common cubit, royal cubit), but the general definition remains the same.

5. Usage: Although the cubit is not commonly used in modern measurements, it is still referenced in historical texts and studies related to ancient architecture and engineering.

