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Give two examples each of situations in which you push or pull to change the state of motion of objects.

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To answer the question, we need to provide two examples each for situations where we push or pull to change the state of motion of objects.

1. Understanding Push:
- A push is a force that moves an object away from you. When you apply a push, you are exerting force in the direction of the object’s movement.

2. Example 1 of Push:
- Heavy Block: Imagine a heavy block resting on the ground. When you push the block, it starts to move in the direction of the push. This change in motion from rest to movement is due to the force applied by your push.

3. Example 2 of Push:
- Trolley: Consider a trolley with wheels. When you push the trolley, it rolls forward in the direction you are pushing. This is another example of how a push can change the state of motion of an object.

4. Understanding Pull:
- A pull is a force that brings an object closer to you. When you apply a pull, you are exerting force in the direction of your body.

5. Example 1 of Pull:
- Tug of War: In a tug of war, two teams pull on opposite ends of a rope. The team that pulls the rope towards their side changes the state of motion of the rope, making it move in their direction.

6. Example 2 of Pull:
- Drawer: When you pull a drawer out from a table, you are applying a pulling force. This action causes the drawer to move out of the furniture, changing its state of motion from being at rest to being in motion.

Final Answer:
- Push Examples:
1. Pushing a heavy block to make it move.
2. Pushing a trolley to make it roll forward.

- Pull Examples:
1. Pulling a rope in a tug of war.
2. Pulling a drawer out from a table.
