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Define the term infloresence. Explain the basis for the different types inflorescence in flowering plants.

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Inflorescence : The arrangment of flowers on floral axis is termed as infloresence. Coriander bears umbel type of inflorescence.
Types of inflorescence : There are three main types of inflorescences :
I) Racemose : In this type of inflorescence main axis possesses terminal bud. It grows indefinitely giving rise to lateral and axilary flowers. Recemose inflorescence may be of simple or compound types.
i) Simple racemose inflorescence : In this type of racemose inflorescence peduncle is unbranched. It includes following sub types.
a) Simple raceme : For example, Mustard, Radish, Linaria etc.
b) Spike : For example, Achyranthes, Amaranthus and Callistemon.(i.e., bottle brush), etc.
c) Catkin (or Ament): For example, Morus alba, Salix.
d) Spadix : For example, Maize, Banana, Colocasia, etc.
e) Corymb: For example, Candytuft (Iberis amara).
f) Umbel : For example., Centella asiatica.
g) Capitulum (Head): For example, Sunflower, Marigold.
ii) Compound racemose inflorescence: It is a kind of racemose inflorescence in which the peduncle is branched. It can be further of the following type :
a) Panicle : For example, Yucca and Cassia fistala.
b) Compound spike : For example, Grasses.
c) Compound spadix : For example, Coconut.
d) Compound umbel : For example, Coriandrum sativum, etc.
e) Compound umbel : For example, Brassica oleracea (Cauliflower).
f) Compound capitulum : For example, Echinops echinalus.
II) Cymose : In this type of inflorescence, the axis terminates into a flower. Further growth takes place by lateral branches. These branches arise below the terminal flower. Arrangement of flower is basipetal or centrifugal. It is further of following three types:
i) Uniparous or monochasial cyme : For example, Juncus and Begonia.
ii) Biparous or Dichasial cyme : For example, Ixora, Saponaria and Jasmine etc.
iii) Multiparous or Polychasial Cyme : For example, Colotropis.
iv) Special type of Inflorescence :
a) Hypanthodium : For example, Ficus religiosa, Ficus benghalensis.
b) Cyathiụm : For example, Euphorbia.
c) Verticellaster : For example, Ocimum sanctum.
