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What is the difference between ohmic resistance and impedance of an a.c. circuit . Derive an expression for the impedance of an a.c. circuit containing LCR in serles . Also find the resonant frequency of this circuit

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Let a resistance R, an inductor L, a capacitor C be connected in series to a source of e.m.f. V as shown in following figure
We know that ,
(i) In a resistor, current and voltage are in phase The potential difference across resistor is
vrms=imR . . . (i) (ii) In an inductor, voltage leads current by phase π/2 . The potential difference across inductor is
vLm=imXL . . . (ii)
Where XL is inducitive reactance
(iii) In a capacitor , voltage lage current by phase π/2 . The potential differences across capacitor is
vCM=imXC . . . (ii)
Where XC is capacitive reactance . The phasor diagram is shown in figure
In diagram OA , OB and OD re[resemts vrms,vLmandvCm respectively
or vm=v2rm+(vl.m0v2Cm) . . . (iv)
Using equaitons (i) , (ii) and (iii) , then equation (iv) becomes
or vmim=Z where Z=R2+(X1XC)2
i.e. Total oppositivon of LCR circuit and is called impedance of circuit . A.t resonance XL=XC,Z=R
Expression for resonance frequency (v0) : The freqiemcu at which LCR circuit allows for electric resonance XL=XC
or Lω=lωC orω2=lLC orω=1LC or2πv01LC
or v0=l2πLC
Difference between ohmic resistances and impedance :
Ohmic resistance of an a.c. circuit offered by a conductor connected in the circit and it is due to the nature of the material (resistivity) of the conductor . Whereas, impedance is the total opposition to the flow of a.c. by ohmic resistance, inductor and capacitor i.e.
Impedance =(XC+XL)2+R2
