This is the thorny side of the prevailing examination system. Most examiners have perfected their skill in making it a veritable nightmare for majority of the students.
Quite unwittingly we have increased the enrolment in schools alarmingly. Most of the students have neither the requisite aptitude to learn nor any clear-cut goal in life. The destiny of students would be decided in the final examination of a written nature to test bookish, rote memory.
All laudable objectives of kindling originality and problem solving ability are trumpeted only in educational seminars and workshops. Ultimately all these are gone with the wind. No wonder examination hangs like a Damocles' sword.
Compare this with a related discipline such as music and dance. None would venture to seek entry into such centres of excellence unless one has proven aptitude to profit from training.
Here the students have excellent rapport with their teachers who evaluate their performance on a day-to-day basis and provide constant feedback. Students enjoy practising at home what they are taught in class. As they realise their progress by constant reinforcement, they welcome and enjoy examination in class. Under the watchful guidance of committed teachers, students grow and blossom out as well-trained artistes.
This is possible and feasible because the teacherpupil ratio is ideal and the attitude of the learner is based on devotion and dedication.
The writer's intention to compare the topic of discussion with that of dance and music is to
show how students of dance and music enjoy not only learning but also examinations.
popularise dance and music among all children
congratulate teachers who take good care of their students.
prove that dance and music alone can bring peace to us.
The correct Answer is:A
show how students of dance and music enjoy not only learning but also examinations
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