As I stepped out of the train I felt unusually solitary since I was the only passenger to alight. I was accustomed to arriving in the summer, when holiday-makers throng coastal resorts and this was my first visit when the season was over. My destination was a little village which was eight miles by road. It took only a few minutes for me to come to the foot of the cliff path, When I reached the top I had left all signs of habitation behind me. I was surprised to notice that the sky was already aflame with the sunset. It seemed to be getting dark amazingly quickly. I was at a loss to account for the exceptionally early end of daylight since I did not think I had walked unduly slowly. Then I recollected that on previous visits I had walked in high summer and now it was October.
All at once it was night. The track was grassy and even in daylight showed up hardly at all. I was terrified of hurting over the edge of the cliff to the rocks below. I felt my feet squelching and sticking in something soggy. Then I bumped into a little clump of trees that loomed up in front of me. I climbed up the nearest trunk and managed to find a tolerably comfortable fork to sit on. The waiting was spent by my attempts to identify the little stirrings and noises of animal life that I could hear. I grew colder and colder and managed to sleep only in uneasy fitful starts. At last when the moon came up I was on my again.
I left all signs of habitation behind me. This means that he
came to a place where there were very few houses
was in front of a large collection of cottages.
had come very far from places where people lived.
had just passed a remote village
The correct Answer is:C
had come very far from places where people lived.
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