If a country should have a message for its people, it should be a message of human dignity. The ideals of a nation should be of the freedom of ideas, speech, press. the right to assemble and the right to worship. A country should boldly proclaim to a world dominated by tyrants that "all men are created equal and they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights" and "among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". This should be the source of the strength and power of a nation. If people have the freedom to live their lives in dignity, they can work with a sound mind and physical health. The moral, political, and economic stature of a country lies in the strength of its people. A nation should strive to be a more perfect, not the perfect country where the people is given a promise and a hope in their minds to work and cherish liberty, justice, and opportunity. We do not always get what we want when we want it but it is always better to believe that someday, somehow, someway, we will get what we want.
Citizens of a country should work and cherish
liberty, justice and opportunity
liberty and happiness
opportunity and justice
The correct Answer is:A
liberty, justice and opportunity
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