Over four hundred years after Michelangelo's death, scholars are still unravelling the mysteries of his art. One mystery revealed recently was that his famous painting of a pensive Cleopatra included a hidden drawing of a different Cleopatra on the reverse side. This hidden Cleopatra, a tormented woman, whose eyes stare out at the viewer and whose mouth is open, screaming in horror. The two images, drawn on two sides of the same paper, can be viewed simultaneously. The second mystery is with regard to Michelangelo's architectural plan for the dome of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Did he intend the dome to look like the model he built between 1558 and 1561 ? Or did he change his mind after building the model and decide to elevate the dome in the way it is today? Scholars do not agree on the answer. The third mystery about this great artist was why he destroyed hundreds or thousands of his drawings before he died. Did he feel they were unimportant or did he want posterity to see only his finished products ?
The dome of St. Peter's Basilica
bears no relation to the one in the model.
was destroyed after the model was built.
is raised more than the one in the model.
follows the plan of the model
The correct Answer is:C
is raised more than the one in the model.
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