There is a growing parallel between India and Europe in terms of language policy and challenges of maintaining a balance between regional languages, minority languages and the rising demand for English.
The EU's language policy promotes multinationalism and the idea that every EU citizen should learn and speak at least two foreign languages in addition to their mother tongue. In practice, the foreign language curriculum in European countries is dominated now by the need to learn English. So the defacto policy is that children should, in addition to the language of their member state, learn English and one other European language. English has become not only the language of business across Europe, but also the corporate language of many French, German, Dutch and Spanish enterprises.
The trend across Europe is for schools to begin teaching English in Class I, treating it as a basic skill rather than a foreign language. This trend began in earnest only after 2000. However, the methods to teach English are diverse-an increasingly popular trend is towards bilingual schools, which teach through more than one language medium.
In Europe the usual pattern is that
children should study English late in life
children should start learning English from class
children may not study English when they are at school
children ought to study English just as a lingua franca
The correct Answer is:B
children should start learning English from class I
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