The digit in unit's place of the product
49237×3995×738×83×9 is
To find the digit in the unit's place of the product 49237×3995×738×83×9, we can follow these steps:
Step 1: Identify the unit's digits of each number
- The unit's digit of 49237 is 7.
- The unit's digit of 3995 is 5.
- The unit's digit of 738 is 8.
- The unit's digit of 83 is 3.
- The unit's digit of 9 is 9.
Step 2: Write down the unit's digits
Now we have the unit's digits:
- 7,5,8,3,9
Step 3: Multiply the unit's digits together
We will multiply these unit's digits step by step:
1. Multiply 7 and 5:
7×5=35(unit's digit is 5)
2. Multiply the result by 8:
5×8=40(unit's digit is 0)
3. Multiply the result by 3:
0×3=0(unit's digit is 0)
4. Finally, multiply the result by 9:
0×9=0(unit's digit is 0)
The unit's digit of the entire product 49237×3995×738×83×9 is 0.
- The unit's digit of 49237 is 7.
- The unit's digit of 3995 is 5.
- The unit's digit of 738 is 8.
- The unit's digit of 83 is 3.
- The unit's digit of 9 is 9.
Now we have the unit's digits:
- 7,5,8,3,9
We will multiply these unit's digits step by step:
1. Multiply 7 and 5:
7×5=35(unit's digit is 5)
2. Multiply the result by 8:
5×8=40(unit's digit is 0)
3. Multiply the result by 3:
0×3=0(unit's digit is 0)
4. Finally, multiply the result by 9:
0×9=0(unit's digit is 0)
The unit's digit of the entire product 49237×3995×738×83×9 is 0.
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