If 1043 is divided by a number, we get 11 as quotient and 20 as remainder. Find the divisor.
To solve the problem, we need to use the relationship between the dividend, divisor, quotient, and remainder. The formula we will use is:
- Dividend = 1043
- Quotient = 11
- Remainder = 20
1. Write down the formula:
2. Rearrange the equation to isolate the divisor:
Subtract the remainder from both sides:
3. Calculate the left side:
4. Solve for the divisor:
Divide both sides by 11:
5. Perform the division:
Final Answer:
The divisor is 93.
- Dividend = 1043
- Quotient = 11
- Remainder = 20
Subtract the remainder from both sides:
Divide both sides by 11:
The divisor is 93.
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