Find the largest 6 digit number which is completely divided by 71?
To find the largest 6-digit number that is completely divisible by 71, we can follow these steps:
Step 1: Identify the largest 6-digit number
The largest 6-digit number is 999999.
Step 2: Divide the largest 6-digit number by 71
Now, we will divide 999999 by 71 to check how many times 71 fits into 999999 and to find the remainder.
Calculating the product:
Now, we can find the remainder:
Step 3: Subtract the remainder from the largest 6-digit number
To find the largest 6-digit number that is divisible by 71, we need to subtract the remainder (35) from 999999.
Step 4: Verification
To ensure that 999964 is indeed divisible by 71, we can perform the division again:
Since the quotient is an integer and there is no remainder, we confirm that 999964 is divisible by 71.
Final Answer
Thus, the largest 6-digit number that is completely divisible by 71 is 999964.
The largest 6-digit number is 999999.
Now, we will divide 999999 by 71 to check how many times 71 fits into 999999 and to find the remainder.
To find the largest 6-digit number that is divisible by 71, we need to subtract the remainder (35) from 999999.
To ensure that 999964 is indeed divisible by 71, we can perform the division again:
Since the quotient is an integer and there is no remainder, we confirm that 999964 is divisible by 71.
Thus, the largest 6-digit number that is completely divisible by 71 is 999964.
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