A college council is auditioning students for a cultural festival. They must satisfy the following criteria.
1. Student must know atleast one dance form.
2. Student must know to play atleast one musical instrument
. 3. Student must have good acting skills. Which one of the following will the council definitely select?


Z is a Bharat Natyam dancer, a violinist but does not have any acting skills


P plays football,guitar, has acted in road shows and is a classical dancer


J is a contemporary dancer, a great actor and is planning to learn flute


A plays sitar, is a hip-hop dancer and does not have any acting skills

Video Solution

Step by step video & image solution for A college council is auditioning students for a cultural festival. They must satisfy the following criteria. 1. Student must know atleast one dance form. 2. Student must know to play atleast one musical instrument . 3. Student must have good acting skills. Which one of the following will the council definitely select? by Reasoning experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 14 exams.

Updated on:21/07/2023

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