Microbodies|Sphaerosomes|Peroxisomes Or Uricosomes|Glyoxysomes (Highly Specialised Peroxisomes)|Questions|Nucleus|OMR

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Step by step video solution for Microbodies|Sphaerosomes|Peroxisomes Or Uricosomes|Glyoxysomes (Highly Specialised Peroxisomes)|Questions|Nucleus|OMR by Biology experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 11 exams.

Updated on:21/07/2023

समान प्रश्न

ज्ञान जांच

  • Which of the following termed as highly specialised peroxisomes :-

  • Single membrane bound organelles are
    1. Lysosomes
    2. Peroxisomes
    3. Ribosomes
    4. Glyoxysomes

    AI and II
    BI, II and III
    CI , II and IV
    DI,II , III and IV
  • Peroxisome' is the microbody of a cell that helps in

    ARemoval of electron and associated hydrogen
    BRemoval of proton
    CConversion of carbohydrate into fat
    DConversion of carbohydrate into protein