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What is the number of circles passing through a given pair of points ?




Only two


More than two, but finite


Infinitely many

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To determine the number of circles that can pass through a given pair of points A and B, we can analyze the situation step by step.

1. Understanding the Points:
We have two distinct points A and B on a plane.

Hint: Remember that two distinct points can be connected by a straight line.

2. Circle with Diameter:
If we consider the line segment AB as the diameter of a circle, there is exactly one circle that can be formed. This circle will have its center at the midpoint of AB and will pass through both points A and B.

Hint: A circle is uniquely defined by its diameter.

3. Circle with Chord:
If we consider the line segment AB as a chord of a circle, then there are infinitely many circles that can be drawn through points A and B. The center of these circles can be located anywhere along the perpendicular bisector of the line segment AB.

Hint: The perpendicular bisector of a chord in a circle contains all possible centers of circles that can pass through the endpoints of the chord.

4. Conclusion:
Therefore, while there is one unique circle when considering AB as a diameter, there are infinitely many circles when considering AB as a chord.

Final Answer: The number of circles passing through a given pair of points A and B is infinitely many.

- One circle can be formed with AB as the diameter.
- Infinitely many circles can be formed with AB as a chord.

Final Answer: Infinitely many circles.
