Youth is the best gift of the gods, says an old “Upanishad”. Let us rejoice in it while we have it. It is the great formative period of our life, brief but powerful. We are then able to face the world with feelings pure and with ambitions unworldly. The bounds of our friendship, sym- pathy and fellow-feeling are not then set. We can push them as widely as we like until they encom- pass all that is worth knowing amongst our fellows. It is good to find a friend in a student born in a community widely removed from our own. To know him and through him to understand the feelings, hopes and even the prejudices that make him so dissimilar to us, is often a great experience. In acquiring it we discover the human elements lying underneath all that on casual examination seemed so different and unintelli- gible. Through the mists of religious controversies and political antipathies, we discover points of contact and fellowship, untouched by the infec- tion of religious or social prejudices so powerful at a later age. Where religion divides, the common possession of youth and its generous instincts may unite, with its miraculous power of rooting itself deep in the affections of our companions.
Why is youth called the golden period of one’s life ?
Youth is the formative period of one’s life. It is the period of hopes, enthusiasm and energy. One’s career is formed in youth. Therefore it is called the golden period.
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