Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

To you who have received your degrees this afternoon will go forth the congratulations and good wishes of every one of us. Do not, however, forget the significance of this function. Today you have reached the first milestone of your long and arduous journey in life, not always pleasant and very often making large demands upon human patience. The responsibilities of public life, poli- tical contests, social injustice and inequities and economic conflicts between competing interests will claim the attention of some of you. To others may fall the less showy but more beneficent work of social service. Whatever the sphere of life you may be called upon to play your part in, the eyes of your university will always be upon you. You can add to her pride or put her to shame by your conduct and action. In the end, in the midst of the conflicts that you will have to face, let the rule of enlightened conscience and loyalty to your convictions guide your path.
What, according to the author, is the test of a man’s university education in life ?

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Idea—A convocation address. Appeal to the graduates to realize their duties and responsibi- lities. A vast field of action lies before them. They should carry out their duties sincerely and devotedly.
The first milestone—the first important stage.
Arduous journey—hard courbe of life.
Making ……… patience—demanding much sacrifice and patience from man.
Less showy……work—social service which does not have much pomp and show but which is very valuable.
Rule of enlightened conscience—rule of upright moral conduct and spiritual values.
Loyalty………convictions—faith in religion and other social systems and human values inherited from the past.

Updated on:21/07/2023

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