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What is the greatest number which divides 392, 486 and 627 so as to leave the same remainder in each case ?









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To find the greatest number that divides 392, 486, and 627 leaving the same remainder, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the Numbers: We have three numbers: 392, 486, and 627.

2. Calculate the Differences:
- First, we find the differences between the pairs of numbers:
- Difference 1: 627486=141
- Difference 2: 627392=235
- Difference 3: 486392=94

3. List the Differences: The differences we calculated are:
- 141
- 235
- 94

4. Find the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD): We need to find the GCD of the differences (141, 235, and 94).

- Finding GCD of 141 and 94:
- 141 can be factored as 3×47.
- 94 can be factored as 2×47.
- The GCD of 141 and 94 is 47.

- Finding GCD of 47 and 235:
- 235 can be factored as 5×47.
- The GCD of 47 and 235 is 47.

5. Conclusion: The greatest number that divides 392, 486, and 627 leaving the same remainder is 47.
