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If N233,N231andN229 are prime numbers, then what is the number of possible values of N, where N is an integer?








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To solve the problem, we need to determine the integer values of N for which N233, N231, and N229 are all prime numbers.

1. Define the expressions:
We have three expressions:
- P1=N233
- P2=N231
- P3=N229

2. Analyze the differences:
Notice that the differences between these expressions are constant:
- P2P1=(N231)(N233)=2
- P3P2=(N229)(N231)=2
- P3P1=(N229)(N233)=4

This means P1,P2,P3 form an arithmetic progression with a common difference of 2.

3. Consider the nature of prime numbers:
The only three consecutive odd primes that can form an arithmetic progression with a common difference of 2 are 3, 5, and 7. Thus, we can set:
- P1=3
- P2=5
- P3=7

4. Set up equations:
We will set up equations based on the values of P1,P2,P3:
- From P1=3:
N233=3N2=36N=6 or N=6
- From P2=5:
N231=5N2=36N=6 or N=6
- From P3=7:
N229=7N2=36N=6 or N=6

5. Check for other possibilities:
We can also check if P1,P2,P3 can take other values that are prime. However, since the only primes that can form an arithmetic progression with a difference of 2 are 3, 5, and 7, we conclude that:
- The only possible values for N are 6 and 6.

6. Conclusion:
Therefore, the number of possible integer values of N is 2.

Final Answer:
The number of possible values of N is 2.
