Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

The average of 50 consecutive natural numbers is x. What will be the new average when the next four natural numbers are also included ?


x + 1


x + 2


x + 4



Video Solution
Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To solve the problem step by step, let's break it down:

Step 1: Understand the Average of 50 Consecutive Natural Numbers
Let the first of the 50 consecutive natural numbers be a. The numbers can be represented as:
- a,a+1,a+2,,a+49

The average of these 50 numbers is given as x.

Step 2: Calculate the Sum of the 50 Numbers
The sum S of these 50 numbers can be calculated as:
This can be simplified to:
Using the formula for the sum of the first n natural numbers, n(n+1)2, we find:
Thus, the total sum becomes:

Step 3: Calculate the Average
The average x is given by:
This simplifies to:

Step 4: Find the Next Four Natural Numbers
The next four natural numbers after these 50 are:
- a+50,a+51,a+52,a+53

Step 5: Calculate the Sum of the Next Four Numbers
The sum of these four numbers is:

Step 6: Calculate the Total Sum Including the Next Four Numbers
Now, the total sum of all 54 numbers becomes:
Total Sum=(50a+1225)+(4a+206)=54a+1431

Step 7: Calculate the New Average
The new average New Average is given by:
New Average=Total Sum54=54a+143154
This simplifies to:
New Average=a+143154

Step 8: Relate the New Average to x
Since we know from Step 3 that x=a+24.5, we need to calculate 143154:
Thus, we can express the new average as:
New Average=a+26.5=x+2

Therefore, the new average when the next four natural numbers are included is:
New Average=x+2

Final Answer
The new average is x+2.

