Read the passage carefully and give the answer of question given below. Many doctors flatly refused to believe Jenner when he announced that he had found a preventive against smallpox. They declared vaccination to be a dangerous practice. But the dread of smallpox was in everybody's heart, and people flocked to Jenner to be vaccinated. The Latin word for cow is 'vacca', it is the root from which the word vaccination was formed, Some of the vacca' used by Jenner were not pure and some harms were done, but when supplies of pure vaccine were available, the practice of vaccinating spread all over England and from England to other countries. We hardly hear of outbreaks of smallpox now.
People hastened to get themselves vaccinated because
many doctors supported Jenner's claims
fear of the terrible disease drove them to take the risk of vaccination
supplies of pure vaccine had now become available
the practice of vaccinating had spread all over the world
Step by step video & image solution for Read the passage carefully and give the answer of question given below. Many doctors flatly refused to believe Jenner when he announced that he had found a preventive against smallpox. They declared vaccination to be a dangerous practice. But the dread of smallpox was in everybody's heart, and people flocked to Jenner to be vaccinated. The Latin word for cow is 'vacca', it is the root from which the word vaccination was formed, Some of the vacca' used by Jenner were not pure and some harms were done, but when supplies of pure vaccine were available, the practice of vaccinating spread all over England and from England to other countries. We hardly hear of outbreaks of smallpox now. People hastened to get themselves vaccinated because by English experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 14 exams.
Updated on:21/07/2023Similar Questions
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