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Assertion (A): A strip of land near the south-western shore of San Francisco Bay is referred to as silicon valley
Reason (R): In the early part of California history the south-western shore of San Francisco Bay was a major area of silica mining.


Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A


Both Aand Rare truebut Ris not a correct explanation of A


A is true but R is false


A is false but R is true

Text Solution
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The correct Answer is:C

Updated on:21/07/2023

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    Read the passages given below and answer the questions that follow them:
    1. Scientists who study the rocks, minerals, landforms, and the history of the earth can tell what kind of plants and animals lived on the earth a long time ago. These scientists are called geologists. One way that they are able to do this is by the study of fossils. Fossils may be the actual remains of plants or animals, impressions of them in rock, or the tracks of animals as they walked or crawled.
    2. Most fossils are formed in the waters covering the continental shelves, in warm, shallow, inland, seas, and in large swamps that covered large parts of the land in post geologic time. When the animals of these waters die, their remains are deposited on the floor of the water body where the fleshy part of the animal decays. The skeletal portion of the body is partially replaced by minerals and other sediments. If this takes place in just the right manner, a fossil is formed. Since rock sediments are involved in the formation of fossils, it is not surprising that one finds many fossils in sedimentary rock layers. Plant fossils are found in the areas that were once swamps. There are four principal kinds of fossils: original remains, replaced remains, moulds and casts, and impressions.
    3. In some instances, fossils represent the actual remains of plants and animals. On the shores of the Baltic Sea in Europe, insects of millions of years ago have been found perfectly preserved in the hardened resin of pine trees upon which they crawled. This hardened resin is called Amber. Other examples of original remains are the shells of shellfish which become consolidated or pressed together to form fossil varieties of limestone, and the bones and teeth of dinosaurs and other ancient animals.
    4. Another type of original remains may be found at Rancho La Brea, near Los Angeles, California, where there are asphalt pits containing the bones of thousands of animals. They were caught while looking for water or trying to cross the oil-covered lakes of asphalt. As they cried out in their death struggle, their enemies were attracted to the sticky mass and also trapped. Then the bodies sank down into the asphalt.
    5. Many fossils no longer contain the original materials of which they were made, although they may look unchanged. Groundwater may replace the lime shells and bones with such hard minerals as silica and iron pyrite. The petrified trees of Arizona are an example of this formation. They were formed when groundwater slowly replaced the decaying wood of these buried trees and silica.
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  • Question 2 - Select One

    Read the passages given below and answer the questions that follow them:
    1. Scientists who study the rocks, minerals, landforms, and the history of the earth can tell what kind of plants and animals lived on the earth a long time ago. These scientists are called geologists. One way that they are able to do this is by the study of fossils. Fossils may be the actual remains of plants or animals, impressions of them in rock, or the tracks of animals as they walked or crawled.
    2. Most fossils are formed in the waters covering the continental shelves, in warm, shallow, inland, seas, and in large swamps that covered large parts of the land in post geologic time. When the animals of these waters die, their remains are deposited on the floor of the water body where the fleshy part of the animal decays. The skeletal portion of the body is partially replaced by minerals and other sediments. If this takes place in just the right manner, a fossil is formed. Since rock sediments are involved in the formation of fossils, it is not surprising that one finds many fossils in sedimentary rock layers. Plant fossils are found in the areas that were once swamps. There are four principal kinds of fossils: original remains, replaced remains, moulds and casts, and impressions.
    3. In some instances, fossils represent the actual remains of plants and animals. On the shores of the Baltic Sea in Europe, insects of millions of years ago have been found perfectly preserved in the hardened resin of pine trees upon which they crawled. This hardened resin is called Amber. Other examples of original remains are the shells of shellfish which become consolidated or pressed together to form fossil varieties of limestone, and the bones and teeth of dinosaurs and other ancient animals.
    4. Another type of original remains may be found at Rancho La Brea, near Los Angeles, California, where there are asphalt pits containing the bones of thousands of animals. They were caught while looking for water or trying to cross the oil-covered lakes of asphalt. As they cried out in their death struggle, their enemies were attracted to the sticky mass and also trapped. Then the bodies sank down into the asphalt.
    5. Many fossils no longer contain the original materials of which they were made, although they may look unchanged. Groundwater may replace the lime shells and bones with such hard minerals as silica and iron pyrite. The petrified trees of Arizona are an example of this formation. They were formed when groundwater slowly replaced the decaying wood of these buried trees and silica.
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  • Question 3 - Select One

    Time was when people looked heavenward and prayed, "Ye Gods, give us rain, keep drought away." Today there are those who pray. "Give us rain, keep El Nino away."
    El Nino and its atmospheric equivalent, called the Southern Oscillation, are together referred to as ENSO, and are household words today. Meteorologists recognize it as often being responsible for natural disaster worldwide. But this wisdom dawned only after countries suffered, first from the lack of knowledge, and then from the lack of co ordination between policy making and the advances in scientific knowledge.
    Put simply. El Nino is a weather event restricted to certain tropical shores, especially the Peruvian coal. The event has diametrically opposite impacts on the land and sea. The Peruvian shore is a desert. But every few years, an unusually warm ocean current - El Nino - warms up the normally cold surface-waters off the Peruvian coast, causing very heavy rains in the early half of the year,
    And then, miraculously, the desert is matted green. Crops like cotton, coconuts and banana grow on the otherwise stubbornly barren land. These are the Peruvians' anos de abundencia or years of abundance. The current had come to be termed El Nino, or the Christ Child because it usually appears as an enhancement if a mildly warm current that normally occurs here around every Christmas.
    But this boon on land is accompanied by oceanic disasters. Normally, the waters off the South American coast are among the most productive in the world because of a constant upswelling of nutrient rich cold waters from the ocean depths. During an El Nino, however waters are stirred up only from near the surface. The nutrient-crunch pushes down primary production, disrupting the food chain. Many marine species, including anchoveta (anchovies) tem porarily disappear. This is just one damning effect of El Nino. Over the years its full impact has been studied and what the Peruvians once regarded as manna, is now seen as a major threat.
    How can we say that El Nino proves to be a boon for South American Coast ?

    AIt causes an upswelling of rich nutrients making it the most productive in the world.
    BIt causes the destruction of many marine species such as anchoveta.
    CIt warms up normally cold surface waters off causing heavy rains.
    DIt enhances warm currents around every Christmas.