Consider the following statements
1. Al-Baruni first presented the idea that the Southern Hemisphere was mostly an open ocean and that most of the world's land area was in the Northern Hemisphere.
2. Ibn-Batuta quoted in his writings that Hindus believed that the tides were caused by the moon.
1 only
2 only
Both 1 an 2
Neither 1 nor 2
The correct Answer is:D
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Knowledge Check
Consider the following statements -
1. Temperature of surface water is comparatively higher in the northern hemisphere
2. The isotherms in the southern hemisphere are not regular and do not follow the latitudes while they (isotherms) are regular and follow the latitudes in the northern hemisphere.
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2. The average surface temperature of Pacific Ocean is higher than that of the Atlantic Ocean in the southern hemisphere.
3. Among the major oceans, the Atlantic Ocean is the coldest.
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2 Isotherms are parallel to latitude in Southern Hemisphere in oceans
3 Minimum temperature during winter is recorded in Northern Canada
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1. General characteristics of westerlies are largely modified by cyclones and anticyclones.
2. Westerlies are the most dominant wind systems in middle latitudes.
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View SolutionThe art of effective presentation is the fruit of persistent efforts and practice. Your personality is reflected in your presentation. Adequate planning and preparation are essential for a successful presentation. A thorough preparation is the best antidote for nervousness. If a person is not successful in presenting his views and ideas then it will become the greatest obstacle in his career and life. People form perception about how competent you are by how you present yourself when you stand andspeak.
A successful presentation can help a person in winning orders for the company he works for. Most people who work in organizations find that their effectiveness and success depend of their ability to organize their ideas and present them effectively . Delivering your message in person provides immediate feedback that helps you clarify points and answer questions.
Oral presentations are often more persuasive. As far as possible, one should never read a presentation or memorize it. Then the presentation will lose flexibility and communication will suffer. The spoken word wields great power. Face-to-face interaction demands thinking and speaking. Anecdotes, quotations and humorous touches often make a presentation interesting. One may consult his notes frequently when he is making his presentation. This may create a feeling among listeners that the speaker has taken pains to prepare for the occasion. A positive response will be generated and the speake will be heard with respect to accept to reject an idea in a way that a written document cannot. A presentation should be persuasive and should change the audience attitude. The topic should be of must be interesting to the speaker also otherwise he will go through the motions of making a presentation. No perfunctory approach should ever be resorted to while making a presentation. It is very important that the speaker is perceived by the audience as credible and qualified to speak about the topic. Speaker must adapt to intellectual level of the audience.
Consider the following statements:
1. An effective presentation about the product of a company can help in increasing sales volumes.
2. Impromptu presentation can leave a more forceful impacta on the audience.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
View SolutionThe art of effective presentation is the fruit of persistent efforts and practice. Your personality is reflected in your presentation. Adequate planning and preparation are essential for a successful presentation. A thorough preparation is the best antidote for nervousness. If a person is not successful in presenting his views and ideas then it will become the greatest obstacle in his career and life. People form perception about how competent you are by how you present yourself when you stand andspeak.
A successful presentation can help a person in winning orders for the company he works for. Most people who work in organizations find that their effectiveness and success depend of their ability to organize their ideas and present them effectively . Delivering your message in person provides immediate feedback that helps you clarify points and answer questions.
Oral presentations are often more persuasive. As far as possible, one should never read a presentation or memorize it. Then the presentation will lose flexibility and communication will suffer. The spoken word wields great power. Face-to-face interaction demands thinking and speaking. Anecdotes, quotations and humorous touches often make a presentation interesting. One may consult his notes frequently when he is making his presentation. This may create a feeling among listeners that the speaker has taken pains to prepare for the occasion. A positive response will be generated and the speake will be heard with respect to accept to reject an idea in a way that a written document cannot. A presentation should be persuasive and should change the audience attitude. The topic should be of must be interesting to the speaker also otherwise he will go through the motions of making a presentation. No perfunctory approach should ever be resorted to while making a presentation. It is very important that the speaker is perceived by the audience as credible and qualified to speak about the topic. Speaker must adapt to intellectual level of the audience.
Consider the following statements:
1. Topic of the presentation must be of relevant interest to the audience to induce their responses.
2. Topic of the presentation may or may not be of intimate interest to the speaker.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
View SolutionThe art of effective presentation is the fruit of persistent efforts and practice. Your personality is reflected in your presentation. Adequate planning and preparation are essential for a successful presentation. A thorough preparation is the best antidote for nervousness. If a person is not successful in presenting his views and ideas then it will become the greatest obstacle in his career and life. People form perception about how competent you are by how you present yourself when you stand andspeak.
A successful presentation can help a person in winning orders for the company he works for. Most people who work in organizations find that their effectiveness and success depend of their ability to organize their ideas and present them effectively . Delivering your message in person provides immediate feedback that helps you clarify points and answer questions.
Oral presentations are often more persuasive. As far as possible, one should never read a presentation or memorize it. Then the presentation will lose flexibility and communication will suffer. The spoken word wields great power. Face-to-face interaction demands thinking and speaking. Anecdotes, quotations and humorous touches often make a presentation interesting. One may consult his notes frequently when he is making his presentation. This may create a feeling among listeners that the speaker has taken pains to prepare for the occasion. A positive response will be generated and the speake will be heard with respect to accept to reject an idea in a way that a written document cannot. A presentation should be persuasive and should change the audience attitude. The topic should be of must be interesting to the speaker also otherwise he will go through the motions of making a presentation. No perfunctory approach should ever be resorted to while making a presentation. It is very important that the speaker is perceived by the audience as credible and qualified to speak about the topic. Speaker must adapt to intellectual level of the audience.
Consider the following statements:
1. One of the drawbacks of presentations is that they fails to provide a feedback from the audience .
2. While making a presentation one should, at times, refer to his written material.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
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