"Sit down", the Principal said, but Mr.Tagde continued to stand, gaining courage from his own straight- backed stance, because he was beginning to feel a little afraid now.
The Principal looked unhappy. He disliked being forced to perform this sort of an unpleasant task.
"I wish you would consider withdrawing this report", he said.
"I am sorry, Sir, I cannot do that" Mr. Tagde said. He was pleased with his unwavering voice and uncompromising words.
"It will be a very damaging report if put on record".
"It is a factual report on very damaging conduct".
"You are asking for the boy's explusion from school. Don't you think the punishment is too harsh for a few boyish pranks"?
Mr. Tagde did not sit down because
he was angry with the Principal
he was in a defiant mood
he did not like the student
he was in a hurry
Step by step video & image solution for "Sit down", the Principal said, but Mr.Tagde continued to stand, gaining courage from his own straight- backed stance, because he was beginning to feel a little afraid now. The Principal looked unhappy. He disliked being forced to perform this sort of an unpleasant task. "I wish you would consider withdrawing this report", he said. "I am sorry, Sir, I cannot do that" Mr. Tagde said. He was pleased with his unwavering voice and uncompromising words. "It will be a very damaging report if put on record". "It is a factual report on very damaging conduct". "You are asking for the boy's explusion from school. Don't you think the punishment is too harsh for a few boyish pranks"? Mr. Tagde did not sit down because by English experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 14 exams.
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