Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

How many five-digit numbers of the form XXYXX is/are divisible by 33 ?









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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To solve the problem of finding how many five-digit numbers of the form XXYXX are divisible by 33, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the divisibility rules
A number is divisible by 33 if it is divisible by both 3 and 11.

Step 2: Check divisibility by 11
For the number in the form XXYXX, we label the digits:
- 1st digit (X) = x
- 2nd digit (X) = x
- 3rd digit (Y) = y
- 4th digit (X) = x
- 5th digit (X) = x

Using the divisibility rule for 11, we take the difference between the sum of the digits in the odd positions and the sum of the digits in the even positions:

- Odd positions: x (1st) + y (3rd) + x (5th) = 2x + y
- Even positions: x (2nd) + x (4th) = 2x

The difference must be either 0 or a multiple of 11:
Thus, for the number to be divisible by 11, y must be 0.

Step 3: Form the number
Now, substituting y = 0, our number takes the form:
XX0XXwhich isxx0xx

Step 4: Check divisibility by 3
For divisibility by 3, the sum of the digits must be divisible by 3:
We need 4x to be divisible by 3.

Step 5: Determine possible values for x
Since x is a digit (0-9), we will check which values make 4x divisible by 3:
- 4x0mod3

Calculating 4xmod3:
- 41mod3
Thus, 4xxmod3. Therefore, x must be divisible by 3.

The possible values for x are:
- x=0
- x=3
- x=6
- x=9

Step 6: Form the valid numbers
Now we can form the valid five-digit numbers:
1. If x=0: 00000 (not a five-digit number)
2. If x=3: 33033
3. If x=6: 66066
4. If x=9: 99099

Step 7: Count the valid numbers
The valid five-digit numbers that can be formed are:
- 33033
- 66066
- 99099

Thus, there are 3 valid five-digit numbers of the form XXYXX that are divisible by 33.

Final Answer
The answer is 3.

