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If X={a,{b},c},
Y={{a},b,c} and Z={a,b,{c}},then (XY)Z equals to









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To solve the problem, we need to find the intersection of the sets X, Y, and Z step by step.

- X={a,{b},c}
- Y={{a},b,c}
- Z={a,b,{c}}

Step 1: Find XY

The intersection of two sets includes only the elements that are present in both sets.

- Elements in X: a, {b}, c
- Elements in Y: {a}, b, c

Now, let's check each element of X against Y:

- a is not in Y (since Y contains {a}, which is different from a).
- {b} is not in Y.
- c is in both X and Y.

Thus, XY={c}.

Step 2: Find (XY)Z

Now we need to find the intersection of the result from Step 1 with set Z.

- From Step 1, we have XY={c}.
- Elements in Z: a, b, {c}

Now, let's check the element of XY against Z:

- c is not an element of Z (since Z contains a, b, and {c}, but not c itself).

Thus, (XY)Z=.

Final Answer

Therefore, (XY)Z=.
