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What are lipids? How are they classified?

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Lipids are the principal components of cell membranes including · cell walls. They act as energy source for living systems.
Classification of lipids: Based on their structures Lipids can be classified as simple lipids, compounds lipids and derived lipids.
Simple lipids can be further classified into fats, which are esters offong chain fatty acids with glycerol (triglycerides) and waxes which are the esters of fatty acids with· long chain monohydric alcohols (Bees wax).
Compounds lipids are the esters of simple fatty acid with glycerol which contain additional groups. Based on the groups attached, they are further classified into phospholipids, glycolipids and lipoproteins. Phospholipids contain a phospho-ester linkage while the glycolipids contain a sugar molecule attached.
The lipoproteins are complexes of lipid with proteins.
