Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

What is an LED? Give the principle of operation with a diagram .

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Light Emitting Diode (LED) is ap-n junction diode which emitts visible or invisible light when it is forward biased . Since electrical energy is converted in not light energy this process is called electro - luminescence .
LED consists of p- layer and a substrate. A transparent window is used to allow loght to travel in the desired direction . An extermal resistance in series with the biasing sources is required to limit the forward current thorugh the LED . It has two leads called anode and cathode .
When the p-n junction biased the conduction band electrons on n- side and valence band holes on p- side diffuse across the junction . When they cross the junction , they become excess minority carries (electrons in p- side and holes in a side )
These excess minority carries recombine with oppostely charged majority carries in the respective regions. During the recombination process energy is released in the form of light (radiative) or heat (non radiative) . For radiative recombination a photon of energy hv is emitted .For non- radiative) recombination ,energy is liberated in the form of heat .
The colour of the light is determined by the enegy hand gap of the material . Therefore , LEDs are available in a wide range of colours such as blue (SiC) ,green (AlGaP) and red (GaAsP) and white light (GalnN).
