Which Constitutional Amendment Act deals with the disqualification of MPs and MLAs?
कौन-सा संविधान संशोधन अधिनियम संसद सदस्यों और विधान सभा सदस्यों की अयोग्यता से संबंधित है?
42nd Amendment Act./ 42वां संशोधन अधिनियम
52nd Amendment Act. / 52वां संशोधन अधिनियम
62nd Amendment Act. / 62 वां संशोधन अधिनियम
32nd Amendment Act./ 32 वां संशोधन अधिनियम
The correct Answer is:B
To solve the question regarding which Constitutional Amendment Act deals with the disqualification of Members of Parliament (MPs) and Members of Legislative Assemblies (MLAs), we can follow these steps:
1. Understand the Question: We need to identify the specific Constitutional Amendment Act that addresses the disqualification of MPs and MLAs in India.
Hint: Think about the context of disqualification in the political framework of India.
2. Recall Relevant Information: The disqualification of MPs and MLAs is governed by specific provisions in the Indian Constitution, which can be amended through Constitutional Amendment Acts.
Hint: Consider which amendments might be related to the conduct and eligibility of elected representatives.
3. Identify the Correct Amendment: The 52nd Amendment Act of 1985 is specifically known for introducing provisions related to the disqualification of MPs and MLAs on the grounds of defection.
Hint: Look for amendments that specifically mention disqualification or related terms.
4. Conclude the Answer: Based on the information gathered, the answer to the question is the 52nd Amendment Act.
Hint: Remember that amendments are often numbered, and the context of the amendment can help you identify the correct one.
Final Answer:
The Constitutional Amendment Act that deals with the disqualification of MPs and MLAs is the 52nd Amendment Act.
The Constitutional Amendment Act that deals with the disqualification of MPs and MLAs is the 52nd Amendment Act.
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