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Explain auto catalysis with one example.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Auto-catalysis:
Auto-catalysis is a type of chemical reaction where one of the products formed during the reaction acts as a catalyst for that same reaction. This means that as the reaction progresses and products are formed, the rate of the reaction can increase because one of those products helps to speed up the reaction.

Hint: Remember that in auto-catalysis, the catalyst is not added externally but is produced during the reaction itself.

2. Example of Auto-catalysis:
A common example of auto-catalysis is the hydrolysis of an ester. Let's consider the hydrolysis of ethyl acetate (CH3COOC2H5) in the presence of hydrochloric acid (HCl).

Hint: Think about how the products of the reaction can influence the reaction rate.

3. Reaction Process:
When ethyl acetate is hydrolyzed, it reacts with water in the presence of HCl to produce acetic acid (CH3COOH) and ethanol (C2H5OH). The reaction can be represented as follows:


Hint: Identify the reactants and products clearly to understand the transformation happening in the reaction.

4. Role of the Product as a Catalyst:
In this reaction, acetic acid (CH3COOH), which is one of the products formed, acts as a catalyst for the reaction. As the concentration of acetic acid increases, it helps to speed up the hydrolysis of more ethyl acetate, thus accelerating the overall reaction.

Hint: Consider how the presence of a product can enhance the reaction rate of the same process.

5. Conclusion:
Therefore, the hydrolysis of ethyl acetate is a classic example of auto-catalysis, where one of the products formed (acetic acid) acts as a catalyst for the reaction itself.

Hint: Summarize the key points about auto-catalysis and its significance in chemical reactions.
