Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

State one industrial use of α,β,andγ radiation.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify Alpha Radiation Use:
- Alpha radiation is commonly used in smoke detectors. In these devices, alpha particles ionize the air, creating a current. When smoke enters the detector, it disrupts this current, triggering the alarm.

2. Identify Beta Radiation Use:
- Beta radiation is utilized in the manufacturing of paper. It is used to monitor the thickness of the paper during production. The amount of beta radiation that passes through the paper can indicate its thickness, allowing for quality control.

3. Identify Gamma Radiation Use:
- Gamma radiation is employed for detecting leakages in underground pipes. It can penetrate materials and is used in non-destructive testing to identify leaks without having to excavate the pipes.

Final Answer:
- Alpha Radiation: Used in smoke detectors.
- Beta Radiation: Used in the manufacturing of paper for thickness monitoring.
- Gamma Radiation: Used for detecting leakages in underground pipes.

