One the death of Alexander the great his vast empire was almost immediately broken up into three main divisions Ins the East, his General Selecucus Nikator founded an empire comprising Persia, Mesopotamia, Syria and part of Asia Minor , that is almost all the area from the Hellespont to the Insdus. The capital of this empire was Antioch, which become one of the greatest commercial centres of those times, through which merchandise for Arabia, India and china flowed into the Mediterranean.
The second divison of the Alexandrian empire was the Graecco-Egyptian kingdom founded by Ptolemy I. another general of Alexander. Its chief city was Alexandria which , with its safe harbour and splendid library, become for a long time the most important centre of Greek civilization and culture in the ancient world.
The third and the smallest divison was Macedon, ruled by Autigonus and his successor, who had partial control over Greece till 146 B.C In that year Greece was made a Roman province under name of Achaea. Later, both Syria and Egypt were also conqucerd by the Roamans.
Pick out the most appropriate word exactly opposite in meaning (antonym) of the following words taken from the passage :
Ancient :
The correct Answer is:B
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