Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Make a Precis of the following passage and give it a suitable title. The Precis should be about one-third of the length of the passage :-
Education in our country today has become entirely meaningless, even harmful. It is distressing to find that during all these years of our Independence we have been merely dabbling in schemes and projects, in new-fangled ideas mostly borrowed from the West, merely setting up Commission after Commission at the cost of lakhs of rupees, and let the matter rest at that. The drive, the initiative, the dynamic vision necessary for radical reforms in the sphere of education are lamentably conspicuous by their absence. We have allowed matters to drift aimlessly, instead of settling down to grapple with momentous issues. The result has been disastrous. A lifeless, mechanical system of teaching in overcrowded schools and colleges imposed by far from competent teachers on students whose only interest is to get through the examinations, has been the bane of our education. We have completely forgotten the simple yet vital truth that the aim of education is first to build up character in the widest sense, and then to impart knowledge.

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Central Idea - Education in our country is meaningless. Commission after commission has been set up since independence but no definite education policy has been evolved. Education has remained the same lifeless, mechanical and useless process which has done more harm than good to our growing generations. It has failed to mould their character.
Vocabulary :
Distressing : painful.
Dabbling : playing with.
New-fangled : far-fetched.
Rest at that : remain at the same stage.
Drive : dashing spirit, the spirit to go forward.
Initiative : courage and confidence, spirit to act.
Dynamic : active and energetic.
Radical : basic and revolutionary.
Lamentably : regrettably.
Conspicuous : lacking, wanting.
Grapple : to fight with.
Bane : curse.

Updated on:21/07/2023

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