In the following pass age there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the pass age and against each, five words are suggested. one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
After his able Prime Minister's death, the king wanted one of the late Prime Minister's three sons to take his place. The king wanted to choose the ...(41)... among them for the job. He ...(42)... the three sons to be brought ...(43)... him and set each of them the ...(44)... of filling a room using whatever ...(45)... they could so that there was ...(46)... space left even for an ant.
The ...(47)... sons set to work. The eldest ...(48)... filling his room with garbage which ...(49)... easy to acquire. The second fort was a ...(50)... and filled the room with cotton but the youngest remained silent and thought for a while.
At the appointed time the king visited each room. The first two rooms were full but there was space for more to sit. When the king entered the third room, the last son lit a candle so the room was full of light. The king was pleased and appointed him Prime Minister.
The correct Answer is:B
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