Emotions are not caused by situations. Emotions are caused by our beliefs about situations, beliefs that colour our perception and our understanding of events. Beliefs cause emotions that trigger behaviour. If we feel angry about a situation and react in anger, it is because we have angry beliefs about it. If we feel compassionate, it is because we have compassionate beliefs.
Situations in themselves do not produce feelings. It is our perception of the situation that makes us feel good or bad. Just as situations cannot make us happy or sad, another person cannot make us feel happy or sad. If we seek greater freedom in our lives, we need to be objective and rational about the power of our beliefs versus the power of situations. We control our emotions. When we live in freedom, we choose the way we respond rather than let our automatic negative reactions get the better of us.
Now you might ask, 'Okay, but how do I do this ?' how do I chose to respond when I am under pressure, when I have been taught to fear or fight, when the situation seems 'bad' to me ? The "PQR" formula can help us live freely in stressful, anxious or depressing situation. We pause to question how we would like to respond rather than react and live to regret our negative reaction.
Let me try to explain what I mean by react: You push, I shove. Without thinking, I shove. This is my reaction. It is immediate and disconnected from my higher Self, the constant "I", and the meaning of my life. My reaction is an imprisoned effect. This is not freedom.
By applying the PQR formula, however, I can respond. I pause (find myself in the situation), question (How does this situation relate to the meaning of my life? How do I wish to respond given in a world of infinite possibilities ?), and then respond (a freely chosen action-not a reaction). Responding rather than reacting helps us live freely and in greater harmony with our true identity in every situation. It helps us grab hold of the freedom we seek in order to enter into the river of divine life.
Among emotions, beliefs, situations and perceptions which come first ?
The correct Answer is:A
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