The king travelled with an enormous amount of equipment. Apart from weapons, there were things of daily use such as polts, pans, furniture, golden footstools, food, including animals such as goat, deer, rabbits, vegetables, spcies, carried on carts or loaded on to pack animals such as camels and elephants. This huge army was accompanied by musicians bating drugs and other playing horns and trumpets.
Villagers had to provide hospitality along the way. They came with gifts of curds, gur and fowers and provided fodder for the animals. They aso tried to meet the king, the place their complaints and petitions before him.
The army left a trial of destruction behind. Elephants often trampled down the hurts of villagers and the oxen yoked to the caravan of merchants ran away, scared by the tumult. As Banabhatta says "The whole world was swallowed up in dust."
Source Our Part I
Which one of the following statements is incorrect about the passage?
The king inavelled with an enormous enormous amount of equipment
The huge army was accompanied by dancers and women
The army lelt a trial of destruction behind
Elephants trampled down the huts of villagers.
The correct Answer is:B
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